As we're at that time of the year for looking back, it seemed a good time to share with you (or remind you) of
some of the past winners of my Ladybird caption contest.
@distracteddan |
This contest takes place every two months on Twitter - the first Saturday of the month. After I post the pictures, the Twitterati suggest captions and vote for the best answers.The next contest will take place next Saturday 7th Jan - so it's also a timely reminder for those of you who are good with captions (which I most certainly am not). Just one big rule: all entries must be clean and unlikely to cause offense.
Below: some of my picks from the gallery of glory. If I have missed out your entry - apologies; I don't keep great records so my selection here is a bit random. If I have wrongly ascribed winners, please let me know and I will make changes.
Most successful entries are gloriously daft:
@funknittedhats |
@maidbloke | | |
@gardener_the |
@IanMcDougall1 |
@teardropxmode66 | |
@No1Gruff |
@Stevedarstardly | | | |
@LittleRedHen |
Sorry - I've lost track of whose entry this was. Let me know if it was yours |
@mitchsteve |
@gawuffy |
I usually put up two pictures in each contest - and occasionally someone finds a way to caption them both in one go:
Some entries were were more topical:
@JonathanLHoward |
@Mildthing99 |
@cornwallchar |
And who could forget this entry, shortly after press 'revelations' about the university activities of David Cameron:
Well done to all not just the winners (I'm full of admiration - just can't do it myself) but to all who entered or voted. I look forward to more great entries in the months to come.
Happy New Year