Sunday, 20 March 2011

Ask me a question

Here's a Question and Answer application that I was experimenting with for work. I didn't originally intend to share it as it looks like a bit of an ego-trip. But having created it and had a few people ask me questions ...

Ask me any question (about Ladybird Books)and I'll try to answer them for you here.

After typing your question in the box, click 'send'. But watch out for the next message which also requires you to click Send - it seems to need reassurance - and to be told to SEND 2 or 3 times! Click just once and I won't get your message - regardless of what I tell you! Give it a go.

Or click on the questions that someone has already asked me (below):

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Cassettes - remember them?

It seems a lot of people do.

For a short period, I think between the late 1970s and 1980s, Ladybird started to publish many fiction titles with an accompanying cassette. Occasionally at a car-boot sale I'll still come across a cassette from a Puddle Lane, WLT or Children's Classic book.

Although these cassettes don't seem to have been issued for very long, they seem to have been valued, at least in retropect, by erstwhile owners. This email, which I received last week, is quite typical:

For some years now I have been searching for the "well loved tales" series by Ladybird with the accompanying audio cassettes. Especially their 1979 version of "The Ugly Duckling" would be a fantastic find. I see you offer most of the books but there is no mention of the audio tapes, do you happen to have these as well? Or know where I can find them, possibly converted to MP3?

I have no answer to these enquiries. Does anyone know if you can still get hold of them anywhere?