The dates of the next Martin Aitchison exhibition - this summer - have been published. His website states:
"The next exhibition of Martin Aitchison Ladybird artwork will place between July 2008, between 1st - 27th inclusive, at Newby Hall in North Yorkshire.
This will be a Comprehensive exhibition of Martin's Ladybird work spanning 3 decades: the 1960s/70s/80s. The original artwork exhibited will include well-remembered and much loved Peter and Jane 'Keyword Reader' series. There will be over 100 pictures on display which will include pictures from the Sunstart series, Great Artists, Great Composers, Puddle Lane, Science Fiction, Children's Classics and Well Loved Tales (606d).

Most of the artwork on display will be for sale. Prices will start from £100 and will all be displayed in Newby Hall's very attractive gallery."
I missed last year's - so hope to make it this time.